R.I.P Patryk [*]
tak czituje kurwo
old acc www.steamcommunity.com/id/snoox2k8
Info about my.
Since: 2008
Nick: izi
Age: 19
Best Map : Cache
Best Gun: AWP/AK-47
Favourite Players: n0thing, shroud, scream
From: Poland
★★★ Crosshair & Viewmodel ★★★

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cl_crosshairsize "2.4"
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cl_crosshairthickness "1"
cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
cl_fixedcrosshairgap "3"

viewmodel_fov "68.000000"
viewmodel_offset_x "2"
viewmodel_offset_y "2.0"
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viewmodel_presetpos "0"
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cl_bobcycle "0.98"
★★★ Video ★★★

4;3 1024x768

記録時間: 3,679 時間
2019年1月23日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 33 時間
2019年1月22日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 0.4 時間
2019年1月14日 に最後にプレイ
s0izi_ 2021年12月20日 11時42分 
s0izi_ 2021年7月2日 18時00分 
byteframe's cat 2020年1月19日 8時57分 
🎫 + [Secret Drug Facts] + 💃
🥒 💛 🐛 💗 🐟 🎁 🐳 🍖 👳 💚 🏀 ⛳ 💎 📒 🥗 ⚡
Woody: What's going on, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: Let's talk about what's going *in* Mr. Peterson. A beer, Woody.
-- Cheers, Paint Your Office
Sam: How's life treating you?
Norm: It's not, Sammy, but that doesn't mean you can't.
-- Cheers, A Kiss is Still a Kiss

Woody: Can I pour you a draft, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: A little early, isn't it Woody?
Woody: For a beer?
Norm: No, for stupid questions.
-- Cheers, Let Sleeping Drakes Lie

Two friends were out drinking when suddenly one lurched backward off his
barstool and lay motionless on the floor.
"One thing about Jim," the other said to the bartender, "he sure
knows when to stop."

👔 🌋 👃 💎 🥒 🌂 🐳 🐠 🐊 ⚡ 📒 📗 🍖 🕺 🎫 🚙
R.I.P Patryk [*] 2019年1月21日 15時42分 
bye bye for 1/2month <3
R.I.P Patryk [*] 2019年1月21日 15時42分 
bye bye for 1/2month <3
R.I.P Patryk [*] 2019年1月21日 15時42分 
bye bye for 1/2month <3