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chơi lần cuối lúc 30 Thg04
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chơi lần cuối lúc 30 Thg04
⭕⃤ Elmo 27 Thg06, 2021 @ 3:11pm 
⡴⠑⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⣀⣀⣤⣤⣤⣀⡀
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BIDEN.GASM 20 Thg04, 2016 @ 7:19am 
Ilisenaa 13 Thg08, 2015 @ 9:48pm 
After acquiring the m'ap, Fedora starts his quest to swoon the m'lady.
Step one requires him to find something to nourish the damsel. Off to Cool Ranch to find a bag of Doritos.
Step two requires him to find something to quench her thrist. Now our hero travels to the tall mountains to collect the dew.
Step three has Fedora finding a hotter waifu so that he can gaslight the m'lady into thinking she's beneath him and ultimately give in to his seduction.
Once Fedora finds M'lady, he gets flanked by Douchebag McAsshole. M'lady sees Douchebag on Tinder just as Fedora arrives. Fedora quickly shouts "M'lady no swiping, M'lady no swiping!"
But alas, it is too late. M'lady swiped. Now she is going out to bang Douchey McAsshole and Fedora has been put in le friendzone again.
Ilisenaa 13 Thg08, 2015 @ 8:33pm 
Ilisenaa 23 Thg04, 2014 @ 10:31am 
-420/10 horrible. Would not recommend. :sr4sunglasses:
CannedYerins 29 Thg05, 2013 @ 2:45pm 
❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤
Post this on the walls of the 12 prettiest Girls you know...
If you get back 5 you're beautiful. ..
❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤