"Breathe O8 no vape needed"
There is no such thing as being wrong and never poor when mårmårs wallet is around! "Robin den trånge"
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Oh and if you happen to believe there is more than 2 genders
you and me are gonna have a biiig problem!
federal reserve act of 1913 2020. máj. 13., 8:03 
xd xdx xdx dxd xdxdx dxdxdx fet barnnnnn
federal reserve act of 1913 2020. ápr. 24., 15:11 
haha lol han tala svenska inte lol no english fat
federal reserve act of 1913 2020. márc. 28., 21:14 
✪ HighRecoil 2020. jan. 11., 20:28 
welcome to plebington city
Turdface 2019. dec. 29., 17:18 
๖☆ Jack Frost ☆๖ 2019. dec. 29., 11:17 
knoll alle racist