Fat Man
*Drops soap*
Whoopsie , can you just
Pick that up for me?
Something about me i guess like anybody else has on their Profile.
I pretty much have no direct taste in games, i mostly play what had been recommended to me and i ended up enjoying no matter it's category.

Some of my favourite's would've been; Tf2, Pokemon and the Borderlands franchise.

I do however enjoy some pretty oldschool hard grinding Pixel RPG's from time to time to chill with a controller in bed.

Personal information as Age; height; country of origin is irrelevant.

As with games, i've got no direct music taste , i thought i was a fan of Rock & Metal at first, but it's mainly widespread what songs i listen to.

Otherwise, i like doodling.

Fine, have a Face Reveal

Average Clown Emoji
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아트워크 전시대
Bopping to Bede's theme
스크린샷 전시대
Snow Doggo
12 3
좋아하는 게임
최근 활동
기록상 1,780시간
게임 중
기록상 0.6시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 4월 25일
기록상 0.3시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 4월 21일
Dratila 2024년 2월 25일 오전 6시 19분 
Are u the guy i copy pasted his own comment to?
Bro's still yappin' frfr
Dratila 2024년 2월 25일 오전 6시 18분 
who r u
ZYZZ 2024년 1월 28일 오전 3시 04분 
Funny how you comment on other people's profiles saying you're emotional weak when you're actually commenting yourself. You seem to be very emotional.
900daved 2024년 1월 23일 오전 10시 56분 
meow :3
Dratila 2023년 12월 23일 오전 9시 51분 
ur dad is british :captainclown:
M-FeD 2023년 12월 12일 오후 2시 19분 
ur mum is horse 🐎 neighhhhh