Mass surveillance is a backdoor into freedom of speech. Knowledge is power. And power corrupts.

useful links:

Guardian Project [guardianproject.info]

Exodus Privacy [exodus-privacy.eu.org]

Distro Watch [distrowatch.com]

Farside [farside.link]

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-Balloon Evil 4
-Super Balloon Bros. Melee
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-Super Mario Balloons. 3
-Call of Loony: World at War
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-Left 4 Balloons 2
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useful privacy tools and info your tiktok brain wont care about *dangles car keys*
if you have a tool to suggest or any questions feel free to reach out

I have extensively researched and tested all the tools listed below. you are encouraged to do your own research and try them yourself. Come to your own conclusion for what best suits your threat model [linddun.org]

Tor [www.torproject.org] "The onion routing protocol isn't as anonymous as you think it is" -Elliot Alderson. read the doc before using

GrapheneOS [grapheneos.org] this is truly the most secure and private mobile OS in the world. pair it with the Orbot app and use the phone as a Wi-Fi only device for a true anonymous phone. those who say privacy on a phone is impossible are full of ♥♥♥♥. the hard work Daniel Micay and his team have done is nothing short of incredible. requires a factory unlocked Google Pixel device

Monero [www.getmonero.org] digital cash. because cash is king. also it's funny to watch the IRS cope cause they can't tax the ♥♥♥♥ out of it :)

Whonix [whonix.org] better than Tails, far more private and secure but does lack the amnesia that Tails truly provides. recommended to use with KVM for more security but requires linux. read the official doc and have an understanding of tor before using

Qubes OS [www.qubes-os.org] very secure. the OS and every window/open tab runs inside it's own virtual machine. advanced users can also run Whonix on top of Qubes for extra protection. requires a semi decent pc to run properly and has to run bare metal to avoid issues

Tails [tails.boum.org] portable, very easy to setup and great for beginners. once again make sure to read the official doc and have an understanding of tor before using

F-Droid [f-droid.org] open-source and privacy respecting replacement for the Google Play Store with FOSS alternatives. can be used with the Orbot app to download apps anonymously, requires an android device

NetGuard [f-droid.org] for Android, LockDown [apps.apple.com] for iOS. those using GrapheneOS don't need NetGuard since Graphene has a network permission for apps

4get [4get.zzls.xyz] my personal favorite search engine. most other "privacy" search engines are ♥♥♥♥ and secretly track you anyway despite promoting themselves as "private" duckduckgo for example was caught allowing microsoft to track users on their mobile browser. can you really trust them anymore? anyways throw this guy a donation if you can. he does great work

uBlock Origin [ublockorigin.com] much more than just an adblocker. lets you create filter lists to block domains that contain trackers, ads, malware, and can even block javascript. i recommend running it in hard mode at all times (3rd party, 3rd party scripts, 3rd party frames and javascript blocked)

KeePassXC [keepassxc.org] (please for the love of foss stop saving your passwords through a web browser)

ExifCleaner [exifcleaner.com] one of the most important things when it comes to keeping yourself safe online. exif data left over from a photo you just took of your cat can be enough to get you doxxed. things like your current location when you took that photo is also tied to the exif if location services were on at the time. NEVER post before cleaning the exif data first

Invidious [invidious.io] for desktop, NewPipe [newpipe.net] for Android

Nitter [nitter.net] frontend for browsing the hellhole known as twitter privately. may not always work due to twitter now rate limiting the servers (UPDATE: the data hungry cucks over at twitter have pretty much completely killed off this project. I will list a new alternative to take its place whenever i find one)

Teddit [t.sneed.network] frontend that lets you browse the hellhole known as reddit privately. may not always work due to reddit api changes

Tutanota [tutanota.com] I don't recommend Protonmail anymore since they consume too much meta-data nowadays. and even though Tutanota is not as bad, it's still far better than using Gmail or Outlook. Tutanota also works better with Tor. no email client is truly private, for that you'll need something like Claws Mail [www.claws-mail.org]

SimpleLogin [simplelogin.io]

SimpleX [simplex.chat] what Signal could've been if Moxie wasn't such a greedy crypto cuck. does everything Signal does but better and doesn't require a phone number or email for signup. for more info on Signals downfall, check here [yewtu.be] desktop version does not support tor. requires android version and the orbot app for that

Element [element.io] default matrix instance uses Cloudflare. if you have to use element, use a different server instance. better than using discord or skype at least. also supports end-to-end encryption and doesn't send your data to china, unlike discord [t.sneed.network]

Briar [briarproject.org] great for journalists as it lets you message people even without an internet connection. contact lists and messages are all end-to-end encrypted and uses tor network to keep you anonymous. desktop version is a bit lacking but it's getting better with each update

GameIndustry [gameindustry.eu] provides great insight on spyware within video games and commonly used software. the person behind it makes hosts files to block such spyware and does excellent work. check em out

O&O ShutUp10++ [www.oo-software.com] a must have if you're using microshaft winblows. blocks and removes most of its spyware and also works on winblows 11. alternatively you can use a tool called Windows Utility [christitus.com] made by Chris Titus Tech to also remove the spyware and do some other cool stuff like debloating the os

"privacy" resources to avoid:

Techlore [yt.artemislena.eu] autistic ♥♥♥♥♥♥ who promotes apple as "private by default" and shills cancer like nord vpn to his brain washed fanbase. at one point they even witch hunted after Daniel Micay, the lead developer of GrapheneOS all because Micay called him out on how retarded he is. despite being a so called "privacy channel" he gladly takes sponsors on the fly and shills those as well. tl;dr here [yt.artemislena.eu]
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