The Eternal Wanderer   Illoqqortoormiut, Ostgronland, Greenland

Waiting for something to happen? :2017eyeball:

Wawof: hey uwu, you’we finawwy awake. Uwu wewe twying tuwu cwoss the bowdew wight? wawked wight intwo thawt impewiaw ambush same as us awnd thawt thief ovew thewe.

wokiw: damn uwu stowmcwoaks... Skywim was fine untiw uwu came awong! empiwe was nice awnd wazy. If they hadn’t bewn wooking fow uwu i’d have stowen thawt howse awnd bewn hawfway tuwu hammewfeww.

wokiw wooks at the dwagonbown.

wokiw: uwu thewe, uwu awnd me, we shouwdn’t be hewe. It’s these stowmcwoaks the empiwe wants.

wawof: we’we aww bwothews awnd sistews in binds now.

dwivew: shut up bawck thewe.

wokiw wooks at uwfwic.

wokiw: what’s wwong with him, huh?

wawof: watch youw tongue! you’we speaking tuwu uwfwic stowmcwoak, the twue high king.

wokiw: uwfwic? the jaww of windhewm? you’we the weadew of the webewwion... if they’ve captuwed uwu... oh gods, whewe awe they taking us?

wawof: i don’t know whewe we’we going, but sovngawde awaits.

wokiw: no, thiws can’t be happening! thiws isn’t happening!

wawof: hey, whawt viwwage awe uwu fwom howse-thief?

wokiw: why duwu uwu cawe?

wawof: a nowd’s wast thoughts shouwd be of home.

wokiw: wowikstead. I’m fwom wowikstead.

hadvaw: genewaw tuwwius siw! the headsman iws waiting.

tuwwius: good, wet's get thiws ovew with.

wokiw: show, mawa, dibewwa, kynaweth, akatosh! divines, pwease hewp me!
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