Oscar Lara Villegas   Cazones, Veracruz-Llave, Mexico
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3.976 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 28 apr
4,1 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 27 mrt
3,7 uur in totaal
laatst gespeeld op 18 mrt
76561199043588629 14 aug 2020 om 10:27 
you play like a god 🔥 add me pls
76561199043757082 8 aug 2020 om 6:44 
+rep, good teammate. send me friend request, so we can talk and play sometime :)
byteframe's cat 2 jul 2020 om 15:47 
Brian: 🎽 Peter, 🏓 are 🚙 you 😺 sure, 💎 you've 💄 never 🎄 had 🌽 much 🍧 luck 💚 telling 🐠 jokes. 🥞 [Flash 🌳 Back 🚕 to 🐳 Peter 🏓 in 🐊 a 📕 net ⚡ surrounded 💙 by 🐠 apes 🎍 with 🐟 guns] 💛 Peter: 🐳 Okay, 🌂 Okay. 👽 How 🚕 many 🐟 dirty 😺 stinkin' 🥗 apes 🚗 does 🎽 it 🌋 take 👳 to 🥒 screw 💙 in 🍖 a ⛳ lightbulb? 📒 Three: 👃 One 🕺 dirty 💗 stinkin' 📗 ape 🌽 to 🚘 screw 🔋 in 💄 the 🐛 light 🎫 bulb, 👹 and 🐝 two 🍆 dirty 🎁 stinkin' 📗 apes 🎈 to 👔 throw 📀 faeces 💚 at 🏀 each 📘 other. 💃 Hehehehehehe. 👑 [Apes 🚙 ♥♥♥♥ 🌸 shotguns]
Katie 3 mei 2019 om 2:47 
HI! I’m collecting csgo base grade items and you have some of the skins I need

I can offer ANY one of my skins (AK Vulcan, AWP Asimov and more) for all of your base-grade , mil-spec-grade and consumer-grade items.

This is good offer for you since I’m offering good overpay for this items while they worth few cents.

If you agree - send trade offer with all your trash skins for any 1 of my good skins.

My trade link - {LINK VERWIJDERD}