Herhangi bir bilgi verilmedi.
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kayıtlarda 7.589 saat
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kayıtlarda 8,4 saat
son oynanma: 19 Nis
kayıtlarda 18,4 saat
son oynanma: 4 Nis
<[B_E_N_R_E_Y]> 23 Nis @ 12:58 
+rep good spy 23 Nis @ 7:54 
+rep i love you
Your Local Cassette Player 19 Nis @ 15:19 
That is very fair.
But yeah, I can't find any other reason you should be in the DB, no other bans from anywhere, so unless some of the people in your comments can point out some evidence, I'd say you're just good at the game and people are salty. Sorry for the call-out, I was wrong.
lieuty 19 Nis @ 15:12 
because i dont wanna get kicked in a game where im playing well
Your Local Cassette Player 19 Nis @ 14:58 
You get very defensive about getting called out, usually pro spies just laugh it off, so I checked why you were in the database for cheaters, banned in ETF2L. Well, that was long ago, so I've removed you from the database I have. Stay cool, and happy stabbing~
Krass the Fell-Handed 19 Nis @ 14:37 
-rep hacker spy