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Kirjautunut ulos
PartiBoy_69 17.3. klo 2.27 
don't play with him
SoulariS 10.7.2023 klo 15.37 
ты раковая опухоль игры!
potter.dp 7.7.2023 klo 14.06 
ahahahahah podsos
sheeshmauss 3.7.2023 klo 17.18 
Just son (loser in hunt) of SLUТ - this humanoid used cheats - wallhack and aimbot. Icomplete report in hunt, and steam, Best variant, but cut fingers of all cheaters (and u, loser)
Grafon 4.6.2023 klo 9.06 
Scupper Lake leech 1.6.2023 klo 13.01 
dude, that was the luckiest headshot in the history of this game you got on me gg