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76561198284802511 Blokada handlu 8 stycznia o 17:04 
:arrowexchange:Sorry for wasting your time,I know that you're getting a lot of spam messages about your ak redline, I'm looking for howling dawn sticker crafts and I might be interested for it. Please add back and message me so we can work something out. -nEuron :arrowexchange:
SavageGamer 8 stycznia o 2:11 
+rep one taped machina:steamhappy:
Howfaralice 12 września 2023 o 21:50 
76561199241252909 30 czerwca 2023 o 7:19 
signed by me :) lets play in party
hasan_momentum 19 kwietnia 2023 o 13:44 
signed by hasan
Wanna some pizza? 🍕 1 października 2022 o 10:20 