yoyo, added u
Pharaoh Roxy 16 de mar. às 0:16 
+rep you chill!
uuuuummmmmmuhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuhhhhh 2 de mar. às 15:12 
:OOOOO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ DRACULA 😳 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Dot 27 de jan. às 19:11 
Hey I found your steam through a mutual and I just wanted to say that I think we could get along real well :) I don't normally do things like this cause I'm a real gentleman :3, but do you want to maybe play a bit of cs sometime (omg I'm so embarrassed) >< I could go on my smurf so you don't have to put in that much effort, even though you're like the best and you'll probably be on top every round. When I see your name I just feel like we have this special connection that I can't describe in words, I think.. maybe we knew each other in a past life xDD like I can do the cooking and everything, you don't have to worry about that cuz I'm a real feminist, but I'll still take care of you <3 I know how to make a woman feel like a girl, but I won't do anything that freaks you out, just say one word and I'll stop so so fast! so maybe just consider me? I can't believe I'm writing this all out to you >< !! Even if you reject me it's all worth it just for you, my wuv <3 (plz don't reject me !!)
Sprinx 1 de jan. às 18:14 
Good Ass Purple Trappuccino 1 de jan. às 18:11 
On new years day this guy was slinging ♥♥♥ in a corner, you can just tell
₳rmello 20/dez./2023 às 14:55 
ı'm thinking you won't eat me D:
Dax The Bard 29/nov./2023 às 22:18 
Absolute chad medicinal man.
UltraFurry 25/nov./2023 às 10:32 
surprise bog jumpscare :steamhappy::steamhappy::steamhappy:
Jeanne Wicke 1/nov./2023 às 22:05 
Khristen the Imp 13/out./2023 às 19:43 
Very nice profile and groups in common, ha. Is that a squirrel sona? I love squirrels... Found you in a match just now... :GardenLove:
Ovi 10/out./2023 às 8:17 
:shock_fox_l: haiiii!
VAC auditor 5/out./2023 às 17:37 
This ♥♥♥♥♥ is a beast with a blade, scared me
Sprinx 25/set./2023 às 22:08 
Subject_of_Dripmir 25/set./2023 às 22:03 
please delete the game and dont touch pvp again
Subject_of_Dripmir 25/set./2023 às 22:03 
holy sh1t dude youre the most passive garbage ive ever played in this game
water balloon (human) 12/jun./2023 às 18:05 
holy crap is that the real arashizilkree
76561199161045521 11/jun./2023 às 15:16 
signed :) lets play party csgo
RuthMorrigan 20/mai./2023 às 15:05 
gg uwu
76561199059812109 3/mai./2023 às 23:56 
ge ge
Duck 1/mai./2023 às 1:02 
Good player! +rep
Sprinx 30/abr./2023 às 23:41 
AtomicShockwave 30/abr./2023 às 23:35 
the-red-dragon 30/abr./2023 às 23:12 
Sprinx 26/abr./2023 às 19:10 
ur obsessed
Meowsler 26/abr./2023 às 19:08 
Tell Kaiori LIGHT WORK :steamhappy:
doorknob 26/abr./2023 às 13:29 
+rep cute panda
Cliff 18/abr./2023 às 14:56 
sprinx more like cringe
Sprinx 15/fev./2023 às 21:35 
The Electric Lucifer 15/fev./2023 às 13:28 
Woah Sprinx, you're trans? Congrats bud
water balloon (human) 4/fev./2023 às 14:34 
holy crap it's whisperfont (real)
Sprinx 4/fev./2023 às 13:02 
wow i must be so cool
Whisperfont 4/fev./2023 às 13:00 
signed by me
Sprinx 28/jan./2023 às 14:50 
no way
76561199160962393 28/jan./2023 às 13:10 
signed by me, lets play csgo
Snowvy 12/nov./2022 às 19:54 
Sprinx 14/out./2022 às 15:51 
yeah way
Splinx 14/out./2022 às 15:29 
No way
water balloon (human) 23/set./2022 às 12:48 
Im Glen Quagmire
Sprinx 23/set./2022 às 12:30 
i'm infected by ♥♥♥ and have aids
Shaxx 23/set./2022 às 12:28 
IcyScrumpy 23/set./2022 às 9:12 
Children and
water balloon (human) 9/set./2022 às 17:56 
Today's the day :CirnoMofumofu:
Shaxx 27/ago./2022 às 19:43 
Hahaha, no.
Sprinx 27/ago./2022 às 19:18 
Shaxx 27/ago./2022 às 19:08 
I will smack you if you don't fix your caps lock key
Sprinx 27/ago./2022 às 17:19 
Shaxx 27/ago./2022 às 15:21 
goofy ahhh
Shaxx 26/ago./2022 às 20:40 
Bruh what
Sprinx 26/ago./2022 às 19:53 
gloop store called, theyre runnin outta splurg :vlambeerYV: