Status Quo   Moscow, Moscow City, Russian Federation
Comment before adding me or your request will be ignored
Trade Link | Reddit | [+] SteamRep [steamrep.com]

First of all we play for fun and entertainment! I'm playing Counter Strike 13 years now, since 2002, from the first or second version of CS (I dont remember). Also Im starting that account on CSGO from terrible rank Silver 1 and I have pass all ranks till Legendary Eagle where I'm now. Always open to trolling in game :)
Currently Offline
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Some general informations
Friend Request

I am no longer accepting friend requests, with very few exceptions.

I am not in the habit of answering personal questions nor playing with strangers, please refrain from sending me multiple game invites and questions when I'm busy or in game.

I do not offer price checks, advisory opinions, and consulting services, I am also not giving away any of the items in my inventory.


Don't try to spam me, or else you can be insta deleted.
Don't try to scam me, or else you will be blocked and reported.
Please understand I am so busy always, so don't ask me for price checks, trading advice, nor personal questions.

Useful Links:

My CashRep

[+] SteamRep Status [steamrep.com]

Reddit Profile

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Screenshot Showcase
Counter-Strike 2
THEALMIGHTYLEGO Mar 22 @ 1:26pm 
added to discuss awp
resnichkin Mar 11 @ 11:35am 
Just cool guy, would like to see you in friends list
✪NeverEndingStory Feb 24 @ 7:32am 
OssamaBinHagen Feb 19 @ 4:08am 
♥♥♥♥♥ number one
worst player today
Габриэль Feb 13 @ 10:37am 
The worst mentality I have ever meet! The stones has more IQ than you