Garry   Uppsala, Uppsala Lan, Sweden
1-up and fast cup mix 1/1:2018salienbeast1:
Boost donate me 2$ or skins
➜ The Global Elite :✔:csgoanarchist:
Entry frager in my team :csgoa:
-novid -console -freq 144 -tickrate 128 +cL_interp_ratio 1 +cl_Interp 0 +rate 128000 +cL_cmdrate 128 +cl_updatrate 128
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1 зареєстроване блокування у грі | Інформація
Днів з моменту останнього блокування: 1943
Вітрина знімків екрана
Counter-Strike 2
1 1
The millennium was still young.
Humanity had snatched many secrets from nature.
Science and technology repressed the belief in the supernatural.
But the evil existed, and it was clever.
It attacked from the darkness and took its victims.

the outcrops of hell
they all were waiting for the day when Satan would take over the reign on earth and overthrow mankind in disaster and chaos.
But one was chosen to fight against the powers of darkness.
Demons called him the Son of Light.
His friends called him the ghost hunter.
His name was: HellBat
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Maciejus PL 2 берез. о 6:53 
dodaj prosze, mam wazna sprawa
PaTu 18 квіт. 2019 о 15:13 
PaTu 13 квіт. 2019 о 8:25 
Have a great weekend! :bsheart:
PaTu 3 квіт. 2019 о 14:37 
-Ezio 10 січ. 2019 о 12:22 
ну чё даун вот твоя блокировочка!
Schwarze 6 січ. 2019 о 20:16 
ты демку пересмотри друзьям покажи, я её уже пересмотрел, да так палиться это дар!