Fozu Bot | 5 : 1
Kirjautunut ulos
Taideteosten esittely
9 4 1
Vaihdettavissa olevat esineet
7 849
6 692
vaihtoa tehty
23 836
kauppapaikan ostotapahtumaa
Hello my friend ✨ I'm back online! SUMMER SALE 2020
General Info

The bot is currently giving you 12,2 card sets 1 TF2 key


:snikblue: !help - list of all bot's commands

:snikblue: !lang [x] - change the language
!lang en - English :ab_englishflag:
!lang ru - Русский :ab_russianflag:
!lang cn - 中国 :china:

:snikblue: !check - how many sets the bot has that you may buy
:snikblue: !level [x] - calculate how much it'll cost to desired level
:snikblue: !buy [x] - use it to buy sets by your TF2 keys

:snikblue: !sellcheck - how many sets you may sell for TF2 keys
:snikblue: !sell [x] - sell your sets for TF2 keys

:lifebuoy: Support

Have a question or needs help? Write to Need Help ?
Dread 16.2. klo 12.26 
MeVeW 12.2. klo 5.57 
Scout User Bearﻞ 22.9.2023 klo 14.12 
Marek Marucha 11.5.2023 klo 10.46 
Chief. 9.4.2023 klo 17.08 
𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖎𝖑𝖆 6.2.2023 klo 6.13 