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4 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
17.9 uur in de afgelopen twee weken / 7,531.0 uur in totaal (2,601.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst: 30 dec 2014 om 2:38
Gewijzigd: 29 nov 2016 om 9:37

I see no faults with this game other than the OVERALL ANNOYING AND DOWNRIGHT EXCRUCIATING ITEM SERVER THAT FAILS TO LOAD MY STUFF HALF THE TIME! But, overall, TF2 is a very, VERY good game. Also hats. Lots of hats.
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4 opmerkingen
Lt.Eli 14 apr 2016 om 12:56 
this is the best fashion / hat simulator in the world 10/10 would spend 1000 dollar and then jump outta the window
Biggest Noob And Platypus :3 25 feb 2015 om 7:33 
i think tf2 is the first game any steam user downlaods and you know why becous theres so many noobs theres one and another oh theres 2 more you get the idea
Rosemarbles 2 jan 2015 om 9:16 
mini-sentry's , everywhere :sentry::sentry::sentry::sentry:
Batmeme 11 aug 2014 om 7:56 
yeah it's good game but if you get killed by spy noob lol spy noob