A 2 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
3 personas encontraron divertida esta reseña
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Publicada el 27 DIC 2011 a las 12:24
Actualizada el 25 NOV 2013 a las 13:13

Who haz it,he knows how this game is :D
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3 comentarios
ßDX(Freak) 4 OCT 2013 a las 4:16 
Give me one Key PLZ
76561198045459522 2 JUN 2012 a las 17:39 
if you give me a key i will know better
Dark 2 ENE 2012 a las 4:01 
Well gameplay is still bad need alot fixes here, still icefrog just how he says added the half of what in dota2 released version will be. So for now d2 is still suck.