SamIAmᴴᵒⁿᵉʸᴮ³³ 30.4. klo 13.27 
Currently Offline
Last Online 550 days ago
D4 1.4. klo 14.08 
koz 10.3. klo 10.01 
Currently Offline
Last Online 499 days ago
D4 2.3. klo 1.20 
Space Crew is free to keep for a limited time. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1176710/Space_Crew_Legendary_Edition/ :ok_hand:
D4 13.2. klo 13.20 
"Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition" Is free to keep for a limited time. https://store.steampowered.com/app/383180/Dead_Island_Riptide_Definitive_Edition/ :ok_hand: (thanks to those of you letting me know)
D4 12.2. klo 12.42 
"RPG Maker XP" Is free to keep for a limited time. https://store.steampowered.com/app/235900/RPG_Maker_XP/ :ok_hand:
D4 9.1. klo 1.36 
"Sims 4: Romantic Garden Stuff" is now free to keep for Sims 4 owners. (Sims 4 is also free) https://store.steampowered.com/app/1235758/The_Sims_4_Romantic_Garden_Stuff/ :ok_hand: (I know its been free for a while, but its just in case someone missed it)
MamuD 3.12.2023 klo 23.00 
D4 22.11.2023 klo 4.19 
"Sims 4: Pets Stuff" is now free to keep for Sims 4 owners. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1235753/The_Sims_4_My_First_Pet_Stuff/ :ok_hand:
D4 27.7.2023 klo 1.23 
"Dungeon of the ENDLESS" Is free to keep for a limited time. https://store.steampowered.com/app/249050/Dungeon_of_the_ENDLESS/ :ok_hand:
NukeTheJukebox 30.6.2023 klo 10.44 
sorry, not interested in trading the 961
渐行渐远✾ 28.6.2021 klo 16.50 
sorry, i dont trade any of my ibp items
kras 20.6.2021 klo 14.42 
Ellen Page #Bahrieber 17.8.2020 klo 16.18 
send me a trade offer once you added me.
Shane_O 17.8.2020 klo 13.05 
that's not for trade, sorry
IrgendwieistesFischig 17.8.2020 klo 13.02 
Nein danke
TAO EM B1NZ 24.7.2020 klo 17.53 
no tks but your emrald so gud
Ball Smasher 16.7.2020 klo 9.16 
They added me randomly and I fear the Emerald Knife has lost it's rightfull owner.
molecule 27.5.2020 klo 13.30 
Hi, not trading Atlanta skins sorry.
aloftus. 26.5.2020 klo 13.50 
hey, not particularly sorry
Mizore ♡ 26.5.2020 klo 13.07 
You too.
Mizore ♡ 26.5.2020 klo 13.01 
Not interested. Thanks.
Verdictt 26.5.2020 klo 2.13 
add for trade
Krieke 啤酒哥 25.5.2020 klo 2.44 
+rep nice and fast trader
kEiNi- 9.4.2019 klo 13.36 
Added. For m9 sapp:)
76561198348885967 7.4.2019 klo 15.14 
my emerald for your sapphire
76561198823734570 7.4.2019 klo 15.14 
added for trade
Legend 3.4.2019 klo 9.04 
Hey,my Bayonet Emerald 0.015 Fv + add for your m9 sapphire ?
Rev 31.3.2019 klo 7.17 
sorry bro, that m4 isn't for trade atm, thanks anyway!
123 31.3.2019 klo 1.40 
reason holo trade
76561198823734570 30.3.2019 klo 13.18 
added for trade
d Vaihtokiellossa 18.3.2019 klo 11.40 
added to talk about your m9 emerald
drop 2.3.2019 klo 11.03 
not my bfk so cant trade it
★Vader 2.3.2019 klo 2.43 
Maybe Daggers + adds
★Vader 2.3.2019 klo 2.41 
Only looking for liquids as I'm cashing out
123 28.2.2019 klo 8.10 
would you please accept my friend request? :D wanna discuss about the kato14 reason (holo) / kato14 vox holo trade
RobertBaratheon 27.2.2019 klo 10.35 
cmon man :p
Elite 27.2.2019 klo 2.14 
thanks for your offer i will consider it
bear 25.2.2019 klo 15.43 
Sure what are you offering
CommanderTH 24.2.2019 klo 18.08 
thanks 4 your fair offer. not looking to trade my titan holo skins anytime soon
SilenT 23.2.2019 klo 6.49 
added for trade
ur mom woof woof Vaihtokiellossa 21.2.2019 klo 5.00 
add me
Zheng Kang B>CSGO/SKINS✋ 20.2.2019 klo 11.35 
how much for your M9 Emerald?
Vega | COMMEND ME ㋡ 17.2.2019 klo 20.48 
Nice m9 emerald! :csgo_crown:
x-chillkill-x 9.2.2019 klo 21.06 
Added for trade
Luc1fer 9.2.2019 klo 13.28 
I want one xD
Luc1fer 9.2.2019 klo 7.57 
I could giv more on top
Luc1fer 9.2.2019 klo 7.29 
AK-47 Redline with Ninjas in pyjamas katowice 2014 sticker
Luc1fer 9.2.2019 klo 4.56 
Please add me
d Vaihtokiellossa 9.2.2019 klo 1.43 
Added to talk about your m9