nyff 6 feb, ore 3:17 
ich bedanke mich für die netten worte und das vertrauen, welches ich mit deinem kommentar auf meinem profil verbinde. gern möchte ich ein ähnliches gefühl von vertrauen und wohlwollender achtung vermitteln. melde dich und wir ficken mal wieder gemeinsam ein paar mütter auf infe! vermisse wohlmöglich auch die gegnerischen flammen infolge deiner scoutrasur. liebe grüße:weed::megusta:
saiboT 31 gen, ore 14:12 
This kid is a blatant hacker. I believe he is hacking for the following reasons:

1. His bullets do more damage than mine
2. I didn't know he was there and he shot me when I wasn't paying attention
3. he always seems to not die when I am shooting at him I NEVER MISS because I am the greatest CS:GO player of all time
4. he knifed me once
5. I lost the match and he caused me to derank
6. I did better than him during warm-up, so he clearly toggled on mid-match
7. His USP-S killed me in 1 shot despite me unloading my Glock in his general direction

systemofapwne 4 gen, ore 11:30 
Sure, just send over 370-400€ and we call it a deal.
lucky 4 gen, ore 0:09 
please gaive me you knife
Divoras 28 ott 2023, ore 17:20 
systemofapwne 28 ott 2023, ore 16:48 
Seems like, RedRa(n)ger got destroyed by us. Sorry, mate :(
RedRa(n)ger 23 ott 2023, ore 13:09 
-rep cheater rat
Divoras 5 ott 2023, ore 4:53 
Have a good day :scaredpeep::Rainy:
systemofapwne 5 ott 2023, ore 2:13 
Don't worry, I am just joking my friend 😅
Divoras 4 ott 2023, ore 15:30 
ahh, sorry :( Some people would give their life for that badge :D
systemofapwne 4 ott 2023, ore 15:13 
That is one special way of telling me, I am old.
Divoras 4 ott 2023, ore 14:20 
Wow! 20 years :screaming_cat:
xorto.bazidli 17 lug 2023, ore 10:42 
systemofapwne 14 lug 2023, ore 10:31 
lost 11 lug 2023, ore 1:44 
systemofapwne 10 apr 2023, ore 4:27 
lost 9 apr 2023, ore 5:42 
systemofapwne 17 feb 2023, ore 12:42 
Thank you :)
mwah 17 feb 2023, ore 3:03 
╔════════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ═══════════════════════╗
If you are a beautiful strong black woman, someone will put this in your comments.
╚════════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ═══════════════════════╝
systemofapwne 20 gen 2023, ore 15:42 
Ach Mist alter... Habe dir doch gesagt, ich sollte deine Videos lieber nicht online stellen. Jetzt ist mein YP account weg :(
Lars Lang 15 gen 2023, ore 11:15 
Sehr geehrter User,
wir möchten uns für die
Nutzung von You-Porn bedanken. Bereits 70
Ihrer Sex-Videos sind online!
Wir weisen Sie darauf hin, dass das Hochladen von
Videos in denen Sex mit Tieren,
Männern und Frauen über 60 und Minderjährigen vorkommt
laut unseren Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen
strengstens untersagt ist. In den von Ihnen hochgeladenen Videos
"Anal mit dem Wal", "Blasen mit der Rentnerbande"
und "Warten am Kindergarten" haben Sie erneut gegen
diese Vorschriften verstoßen. Wir sind nicht
bereit Ihren Mangel an Anstand und Moral länger
hinzunehmen und teilen Ihnen mit, dass bei erneuten
Verstoß Ihr Zugangsprofil "der geile ZweilochhengstXXL"
unwiderruflich gelöscht wird.
systemofapwne 12 gen 2023, ore 15:36 
Trufflekrig 12 gen 2023, ore 3:54 
Pipe bomb is on the way! :)
systemofapwne 7 gen 2023, ore 15:37 
Only if I can haz cheeseburgerz
Holliwud Royal 7 gen 2023, ore 14:00 
can u accept my req i am hollwidu royla
systemofapwne 30 dic 2022, ore 14:41 
So delicous. Ty
Dante 28 dic 2022, ore 13:23 
i pissed on your mouth
D0t 22 ott 2022, ore 15:45 
systemofapwne 20 ott 2022, ore 14:09 
kyow 16 ott 2022, ore 9:16 
Yes, I am Shavo from SOAD:featherduster:
systemofapwne 13 ott 2022, ore 15:04 
Yes, I am Serj from SOAD and not related to System of A pwne
ix 6 ott 2022, ore 19:20 
I just realized your name is SOAD and not system of pawn
systemofapwne 27 ago 2022, ore 16:58 
Rejected, since I do not trade skins. Good bye
Crimson 31 lug 2022, ore 7:11 
I have been in your group for years now
And I still felt the joy, first time I joined it
systemofapwne 29 lug 2022, ore 14:40 
[syaz.] :p 23 lug 2022, ore 22:23 
jeremy 21 lug 2022, ore 11:50 
systemofapwne 5 giu 2022, ore 11:12 
@titsmagnet 3 giu 2022, ore 12:52 
systemofapwne 27 mag 2022, ore 3:06 
Fentabol samurai 21 mag 2022, ore 5:59 
and teach you how to play cuz you noob :ujel:
Fentabol samurai 21 mag 2022, ore 5:59 
i will find you
Vintage 18 apr 2022, ore 22:54 
Epic old steam account
systemofapwne 7 apr 2022, ore 15:30 
Also: Your boosted profile says "15,650 hours" in CSGO while your real playtime is around (yet respectable) 2500 ( .
Anyhow: 2500 hours and still in goldnova/MG and calling better players a cheater? How old are you? Hopefully older than 12 (your steam accounts age).
Btw: My steam account exists now for more than 18 years, registered 2 days after official steam launch: And I was even playing CS YEARS before that date in the good old WON net.
Just grow up, "child" (I know, you are not a child anymore - Yet, you seem to act like one).
systemofapwne 7 apr 2022, ore 11:38 
Ty, salty boy.
《paintball™》 4 apr 2022, ore 13:55 
-rep cheater
Artyomism 11 feb 2022, ore 14:56 
nein he not noob
маруся шлюшкина 17 gen 2022, ore 9:07 
Ca$$ 16 gen 2022, ore 2:21 
~ Reward my profile <3
6x6 ?
rep for rep ?
lmk <3
Ca$$ 9 gen 2022, ore 9:23 
Have a beautiful Day :ccskull: