Portal 2

Portal 2

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2 kokoelmassa, tekijä wildgoosespeeder
25 luomusta
I Inspired Others Because Of My Ideas
9 luomusta
Heh...trying some new things. Basically ideas I couldn't make a bigger puzzle out of or find a more complex use.

Mevious playthrough at 40:00.
53 kommenttia
jandlml 21.5.2017 klo 19.04 
really enjoyed this map. i wish we didnt have to be careful of laser beams on bridges. would make the movement easier. but thats with all maps with that element. i think there is a way to make it so you go through the beam
Petutski 14.2.2017 klo 6.07 
Lots of tricky elements. The map is a bit annoying, requiring ninja flings and lightbridge laser dodging. Not my favorite kind of map. In addition, the visibility of portal surfaces is troublesome. Still, good work!
JMSLD_ 28.5.2015 klo 6.19 
Took me ages to figure out how to get into the tractor beam - such a clever idea! And great use at the end for the reflector cube/light bridge/glass panel.
Another great map!
TS_Mind_Swept 27.8.2014 klo 16.05 
I gotta say i really enjoyed this map, I kept moving consistantly throughout the puzzle but not so fast that when it was done I felt like I hadn't really accomplished anything. I really enjoyed how u gotta get height to get into the excursion funnel, that was a great mechanic. Although I died three times and had to restart from the begining which was a drag. I usually quicksave whenever I have to do something that I'm worried about, but for some reason I kept forgetting to on this one. @.@ Great puzzle none the less, very clever. 8/10
wildgoosespeeder  [tekijä] 30.7.2014 klo 23.00 
Autosaves are a common complaint for this map. Couldn't find feasible spots for them. Best advice is quick saving and quick loading (usually F6 and F7 respectively).
NACHO 30.7.2014 klo 22.49 
Very Very Very nice test i really enjoyed it :D Only it need autosave, i died in the last room ._. and i start all again saving all time, but this is the piece of the gold maps!
kimist108 2.3.2014 klo 13.19 
Ohhhh, that was great! Hardest for me was the speed gel. Once I realized that it would work, took a few tries. The end really requires close observation and following antlines.
Yavie 18.12.2013 klo 20.30 
Really enjoyed this one as well. I did find the beginning and middle more challenging, because it was difficult to see through grating, glass and fizzlers to make out what I needed to be doing, but trial and error got me through (: That speed gel part was a PIA, but definitely novel. Took me four "passes" to get up enough height.
wildgoosespeeder  [tekijä] 26.11.2013 klo 0.47 
F6 is your friend. I try to keep BEEMOD and official PeTI objects separate.