Kirbo The Magnificent
United States
Don't question it


My PC - Toaster powered by potato battery
Mouse - Strong and independent woman that frequently changes mind
Keyboard - Piano from the 14th century
Monitor - Fat TV made in the soviet union
Cooling system - My heavy breathing after 3 minutes of exercising
My Internet - That ♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing you get off the dollar menu at McDonalds
My headset - Two bagels taped to a beanie with an aux cord
1 VAC-utestengelse registrert | Info
1597 dag(er) siden siste utestengelse
Sjeldneste prestasjoner
Fnatic - Offentlig gruppe
Professional Gaming Organization
569 181
16 153
I spill
72 734
5 714
I samtale
Nylig aktivitet
689 timer totalt
sist spilt den 21. mai
2,8 timer totalt
sist spilt den 21. mai
123 timer totalt
sist spilt den 21. mai