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Useita pelikieltoja merkitty | Tietoa
335 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
76561199385279943 26.3. klo 7.33 
lets play :)
Fenrishicage 22.3. klo 10.26 
nice awp
76561199407397364 22.3. klo 7.57 
Ty for game <3
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🧡 Cool Guy 🧡
⚡⚡ Let’s be friends for future games ⚡⚡

🌟🌟 Have a wonderful year🌟🌟
💫💫 Stay safe & take care💫💫

🔥🔥🔥+REP The profile is fire 🔥🔥🔥

76561199261826413 8.3.2023 klo 16.31 
Signed by me, lets play csgo :)
smiley 2.4.2022 klo 15.58 
be my father