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N O I W I $ B A L A N $ 2 Σεπ 2021, 23:19 
I'm back. We have just entered the autumn of 2021 where the cold will cover us and we will spend more time in homes. We will have more time to play our favorite titles. Thank you all for the support, advice, ideas and pleasant moments spent in the games. I wish you a pleasant autumn, a pleasant gaming season and let's not forget to become better and better.
LOVE from Blunt Force Trauma
Masquerade 20 Ιαν 2018, 4:19 
+rep One hell of a 'whamen'
Knega 11 Οκτ 2017, 12:07 
I'm putting ice on a bicycle 6 Οκτ 2017, 15:55 
420 Hours Lit Fam
Masquerade 4 Οκτ 2017, 3:39 
+rep you say ''babe'' to a girl ... What you say to a grill?

alex 3 Οκτ 2017, 22:29 
+rep grill