random freind request will not be accepted, (exception being that we were in a game at one point) and if its for tradeing it will only be through steam and only if i listed the item up on a site, (not the ones im showing off in the item showcase)
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297 arvostelua
blah blah _____________________________________________________________ How to add it to your profile: Step 1: Have a level 10+ steam account Step 2: favorite this guide! Step 3: Go to Edit Profile Step 4: Click on the Featured Showcase Step 5: Select Favo
Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
best map 10/10 best game
3 132
tuntia pelattu
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 7 814 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 30.5.
yhteensä 1,1 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 23.5.
yhteensä 115 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 23.5.
gadget hackwrench 5.10.2023 klo 17.21 
sick pfp
Speeddex (孟菲斯邪教) 22.5.2022 klo 13.55 
+Rep based ZS player, also decent Landis chad.
Core-Doggo 18.2.2022 klo 16.24 
legs gone :Pain_Elemental:
The Real Om 9.12.2021 klo 21.23 
epic dork <3
76561198969122505 13.10.2021 klo 21.58 
added for trade
panghor 21.2.2021 klo 23.18 
The one with the pikachu profile pic on disc?