Add comment why u add me "Im not accepting random ppl"
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ultima dată jucat pe 28 apr.
Rustoria.co | MSN 24 apr. la 4:35 
+rep nice profile😉
Balalaika 23 ian. la 13:34 
Hello,can you write me?
GoGoShooter 19 nov. 2023 la 4:55 
✅ + REP
      💌💟   💟💌
🔝      💌🌠💌      🔝
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      💫         💫
✅ Cool guy !!!
Rustoria.co | Yes, Im so 15 iul. 2023 la 11:22 
+rep nice profile😉
InDrA SuperCum 17 mart. 2023 la 14:57 
-rep mat shlyha. wound hours in the game, with a private cheat. 3 layers of bushes with 15к to hours disappear. but ultrasound and echolocation appear that help to hear and see people behind the walls. This is a skill !!
#rustygamble 8 mai 2022 la 14:37 
hello, add me please, wanna speak (offer) +rep