[Uranium] Togeki
TheDevills   France
:cupdevil: Don't blow your wig, Dice.
:cupdevil: If those two little finks try anything...
:cupdevil: I'll be waiting!!!
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:cupdevil: Well, Cuphead and his pal Mugman
:cupdevil: They like to roll the dice...
:cupdevil: By chance they came 'pon Devil's game
:cupdevil: And gosh, they paid the price!
:cupdevil: Paid the price...
:cupdevil: And now they're fighting for their lives
:cupdevil: On a mission fraught with dread...
:cupdevil: And if they proceed but don't succeed...
:cupdevil: Well...
:cupdevil: The Devil will take their heads!
Etalase Pencapaian Terlangka
PekoeWasLeftAtDunkirk 2 Jul 2020 @ 7:36am 
+rep You may take my contract! Mr. Devil!
HealTaker 7 Mei 2018 @ 1:29pm 
+REP, really good guy and player, thx for game man:steamhappy: