Mark Suckerburg
le pp biggeth   United States
bueno en los vidja joegos

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in ur mom
Blighted 16 hours ago 
Tunneled my duo, and then tried to tunnel and camp me. Didn't work out in his favor still got the 3 man out. Dude is trash
Elise Jun 2 @ 1:55pm 
I personally try to say kind things to people, just who I am. However after slugging for the 4k at 5 gens, tunneling all that I still tried to stay nice an said "gg" so I could move onto my next match. In endgame chat he spammed "gg" "ez" all that nonsense.If I could choose a word for this guy its bully. While I'm sure this is just his playstyle and how he is I still hope he has a good day.
HexGremlinTV Jun 1 @ 10:24pm 
lmfao this kid is TRASH, is say kid cause all he could do was spam gg ez. camping and tunneling bubba with no ed AND blood warden.... trash gamer!
Venice Bitch May 26 @ 12:20pm 
the comments tell you all you need to know
Sleepy Feb 18 @ 10:37pm 
The most toxic person I played with in dbd, he camped 2 people, and the last one disconnected. So I looped him for a long while and he finally got one down on me. Then, he just stood over my body for a good few minutes hitting the air, then he finally hooks me and just repeatedly hits my body on the hook.

Terrible at looping, any dumb trick that you know in dbd at looping works on him, I did it all and he falls for them all, he couldn't catch me.

After the game, he just turns on his caps lock and just spams "LMAO", "MAD CAUSE BAD", "EZ", literally 100's of times. I think he rarely wins games so when he does he has to take all his excitement from winning and all his anger towards all his last L's and just put it into shaking his mouse, bashing his keyboard, and typing "LMAO" and "EZ" into the dbd post chat to make himself feel about better about not only his skill in dbd, but to make himself feel better about his sad IRL life that's going no where.
bollocks Sep 25, 2023 @ 8:11pm 
The most toxic person I played with in dbd, he camped 2 people, and the last one disconnected. So I looped him for a long while and he finally got one down on me. Then, he just stood over my body for a good few minutes hitting the air, then he finally hooks me and just repeatedly hits my body on the hook.

Terrible at looping, any dumb trick that you know in dbd at looping works on him, I did it all and he falls for them all, he couldn't catch me.

After the game, he just turns on his caps lock and just spams "LMAO", "MAD CAUSE BAD", "EZ", literally 100's of times. I think he rarely wins games so when he does he has to take all his excitement from winning and all his anger towards all his last L's and just put it into shaking his mouse, bashing his keyboard, and typing "LMAO" and "EZ" into the dbd post chat to make himself feel about better about not only his skill in dbd, but to make himself feel better about his sad IRL life that's going no where.