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6 705 изиграни часа
последно пускане 7 февр. 2021
0,9 изиграни часа
последно пускане 8 ян. 2021
3 изиграни часа
последно пускане 20 дек. 2020
Why be mean if you can go silly? 7 ноем. 2023 в 17:01 
lak shuuuu I miss uuuu, sollen wir spenden Aktion starten um dir nen PC zu kaufen or wha :D
Why be mean if you can go silly? 31 дек. 2022 в 19:51 
Seit ein Jahr nicht mehr Online xD Aaaaaalles klar, frohes Neues, hoffe dir gehts gut
Why be mean if you can go silly? 31 дек. 2020 в 3:01 
Guten Rutsch Moci :CatPeep::nekoheart:
byteframe's cat 15 окт. 2020 в 22:20 
🔋🚘⚡ Performance review for MocMolde 🐠💃📘

When dressed for the job, personal appearance and dress don’t stand out, but this person is always neat and tidy. Does not shirk duties, and can share the workload with other people in the team to achieve maximum group output – but does not do so consistently. Not good at planning and monitoring the work of team-members. Responds to setbacks or adversity with redoubled vigour and enthusiasm. Will never accept that defeat is a foregone conclusion, and inspires others to stay positive and fight on. Smart, and not afraid of unfamiliar topics and new concepts, and shows a good ability to learn and adapt. But it usually takes a session or two before MocMolde will engage in the discussion.

🐊 + 😺 = 🎄
gilis 22 септ. 2020 в 2:41 
+rep good guy
LeRoxx 22 май 2020 в 22:05 
+Rep Good Player