Jonathan .F Crimson
The little furry doom modder, I sometimes draw, FPS fan, and a bit of a cheeky fu**er.

(NO E-RP ♥♥♥♥ please)
*slightly edited bio from my other social stuff.
RaceOfYith 17 Thg04 @ 3:16pm 
no problem yo
J.F.Crimson 17 Thg04 @ 5:41am 
I didn't realise, sorry for ignoring the friend request I'm a little cautious about friending new people over on steam.
RaceOfYith 14 Thg04 @ 4:24am 
im ashs pal we met in discord btw
RaceOfYith 13 Thg04 @ 11:57am 
Wealth. Fame. Power. The man who had everything in this world... The Pirate King, Gold Roger. The great treasure he left behind, One Piece has opened the curtain on a grand era! It is a time when eager pirates set sail, battle, and become great! The Great Age of Pirates! Words he spoke drove countless men out to sea. And so men set sights on the Grand Line, in pursuit of their dreams. The world has truly entered a Great Pirate Era!
ripley997 14 Thg07, 2023 @ 6:03pm 
hey light its me ripley again. would love to chat with you tomorrow if you have some free time. Anyway, until then take care.
ripley997 7 Thg04, 2023 @ 9:53pm 
hey light, thought i'd pop in and wish you a happy easter. hope you and the rest of the family stay safe!