R.I.P E-Dubble 13.2.2017

:doge: :sunglassesDoge: :BB_Moon: ☩ 👌జ్ఞా
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ThePro Official © 2023. nov. 21., 10:50 
Hello SoDogeWow! I am currently doing the last giveaway of my game "The Hidden and Unknown".
If you still do not own a copy, catch one while you still can on our Discord Server:
Blurro 2022. máj. 16., 7:39 
hello sir
[EXDr] Key 2020. okt. 28., 10:26 
hey, sorry I saw your profile and I just thought you looked cute in your picture, I really wanted to tell you that)) It's really rare to see girls playing video games haha! I don't know why its a guy thing honestly im like really against misogyny and like ill be the one in the kitchen making sandwiches. We should really play l4d2 sometime its a really cool zombie game with a lot of scary moments, but don't worry ill be there to protect you ? sorry that wasnt flirting I swear Im just trying to be friendly I really like your profile picture sorry was that too far? Really sorry i'm really shy I don't go out much haha add me on skype we should talk more you look really nice and fun xxx haha
byteframe's cat 2020. aug. 29., 12:00 
The attraction between Julie Andrews and Princess Diana is based on their differences. Ambrose Bierce is a perfectionist, but Princess Diana is more social. Tom Brokaw feels guilty about having emotional needs, but Harry Belafonte feels no guilt about satisfying them. 🚬
SoDogeWow 2018. dec. 26., 17:33 