Red Lightning
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56 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 17. Mai
Errungenschaften   57 von 88
175 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 17. Mai
3.763 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 8. Mai
100 XP
Redeed 24. Apr. um 21:16 
╔═══════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ═══════════════════╗
If you're a beautiful strong black woman, someone will put this in your comments.
╚═══════════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ═══════════════════╝
Redeed 24. Apr. um 21:09 
❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤
Post this on the walls of the 12 prettiest transgirls you know
❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤ ❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤❤¸.•*""*•. ¸❤
BURNSY 13. Jan. um 22:09 
██]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 10% complete.....
████████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 35% complete....
████████████]]]]]]]]]]]] 60% complete....
█████████████████] 99% complete.....

🚫ERROR!🚫 💯True💯 Brothers of Islam are irreplaceable ☪I could never delete you Brother!💖 Send this to ten other 👪Mujahideen👪 who would give their lives for ﷲAllahﷲ Or never get called ☁️Brother☁️
Lawr 25. Apr. 2023 um 3:43 
+rep good player
1KC 15. Apr. 2023 um 13:23 
Loves to scream "Ballsack" in game non stop. 10/10 would play again
brady that ball tom run 14. Apr. 2023 um 22:46 

