Rof Rof
--------------------Read before add me--------------------

Hello, I'm a professional scripter and I'm here to help you with anything

-----------------------------------------------Some Rules-----------------------------------------------

-Don't add private profiles

-Don't add level 0 profiles

-Leave on my comments the reason why you are adding me

-I know all tactics of scam, so don't add to try, because what you'll get it's a report.
1 個 VAC 封鎖紀錄 | 資訊
距離上次封鎖共 2270 天
akashi 2017 年 12 月 31 日 上午 8:16 
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╬═╬/ \
█ Oi.
  ██ desci
   ███ até
    ████ aqui
       █████ para
         ██████ te
           ███████ dizer
             ████████ bom dia :3