Drew Galley   South Lyon, Michigan, United States
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Stinky 27. led. 2023 v 22.33 
Hey so i do not know if you remember but i met you at a bar last night and you gave me your steam username, well I have your among us wallet with the neon green chain on it. I do not know how it fell off your miniskirt but it must have bumped a table or something. Please message me if you want it back or want to go on a date or something.
Red Onion Milk Slop 7. pro. 2022 v 18.13 
ermmm uhh yep thats about it
Buster Hymen 30. čvn. 2016 v 20.35 
Roses are red,
Violets are rare,
Booty booty booty,
Rocking everywhere.
- Gravy