United States
Vincent Van Hoe 2018 年 4 月 21 日 下午 3:50 
+rep has legs
Spetsnazzy 2017 年 6 月 8 日 下午 7:11 
This kid drinks orange juice out of a wellington boot with a four dollar straw. I've seen him throw a tuba several meters at a convicted shoplifter. He eroded the grand canyon and understands several languages spoken exclusively by mute people. He hates the direction North and constantly has to readjust his penis. He's built out of mahogany wood and star-shine brand aluminum foil, plus I've never once seen him nod his head. He has as many toes as he has fingers and has the ability to discern and percieve vibrations and disruptions in the air around him using two apparatus attatched to the side of his head.