Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world. Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.” This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.
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CurvingTornados Jun 28, 2023 @ 7:45pm 
Gonzolicious Dec 5, 2018 @ 9:49pm 
"Once I stopped playing CS:GO, all I got was cancer." -SecB
Horus Mar 31, 2018 @ 12:33pm 
Hugh Mungus.

Hugh Mungus, what?

Hugh Mungus.

Hugh Mungus, what?

That’s what it is.

Hugh Mungus, what? Is that a sexual harassment?

No, it’s Hugh Mungus.

Then why you did you say that to me?

That’s my name.

What? Hugh Mungus, what?

Hugh Mungus, what?

Hugh Mungus, what? Is that a sexual harassment? Is that what you just did when you said that to me?

What? Hugh Mungus?

Why would you say that to me?

Yes, it’s my name.

Why did you say that to me?

Why would I say it to you?

Why did you say that to me?

Why would you ask me my name?

What? Hugh Mungus, what? Hugh Mungus, what? Hugh Mungus, what? Hugh Mungus, what? Black people amirite?
MerkS Feb 26, 2018 @ 10:15pm 
I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy.
Horus Feb 20, 2018 @ 2:40pm 
♥♥♥♥♥ are so cute omg(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ when you hold one in your hand and it starts twitching its like its nuzzling you(/ω\) or when they perk up and look at you like" owo nya? :3c" hehe ~ penis-kun is happy to see me!!(^ワ^) and the most adorable thing ever is when sperm-sama comes out but theyre rlly shy so u have to work hard!!(๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧ but when penis-kun and sperm-sama meet and theyre blushing and all like "uwaaa~!" (ノ´ヮ´)ノ: ・゚hehehe~penis-kun is so adorable (●´Д`●)・::・
Espresso Feb 4, 2018 @ 7:48pm 
Destructive Finish! :c