Evan Cross   Michigan, United States
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2,7 Jam dimainkan
Absolutely incredible game. My only complaint is that I want more, a workshop would turn this game from an A+ to an S+. Seriously though, well done to the developers for creating an equal balance of difficulty while keeping the game hard yet fun, not to mention also allowing you to enjoy the music in the meantime.
Etalase Ulasan
150 Jam dimainkan
If you enjoy rougelikes, I don't understand why you don't already have this game.

I didn't know this game had an ending until today, and that is because the Gungeon kicked my ass for legit 24 hours straight.

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Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition
Aktivitas Terkini
Tercatat 72 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 25 Mei
Tercatat 78 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 22 Mei
Tercatat 29 jam
terakhir dimainkan pada 22 Mei
Àdhamh 7 Mar 2022 @ 1:22am 
I doubt🤔 you could even imagine🤯 it. That which commanded✊🏻 the stars🌟, giving life🌱 its fullest brilliance✨. 👴🏻💍The Elden Ring👴🏻💍, 😩😩😩OHHH😩😩😩 Elden Ring! Shattered✳️ by someone👤 or something👽. Don't❌ tell me you don't see👀 it. Look up👆🏻 at the sky🌫️, it burns🔥!
atomicallisto 18 Sep 2017 @ 7:14pm 
💞Daddy💞 be nimble🚶🏻 Daddy be quick🏃🏻💨 Daddy has a rock🗿 hard ♥♥♥♥ 🍆😍! 1️⃣cummy💦 2️⃣cummy💦💦 3️⃣cummy💦💦💦 4️⃣💦💦💦💦! Daddy ♥♥♥♥💦 so much he can't ♥♥♥ any more🙈🙉🙊! Ghost cummy👻💦 Ghost cummy👻💦 don't be scared❌😖❌! There's always more cummies💦👅 that can be shared👬! Daddy makes me ☁️squishy☁️ Daddy makes me 💧wet💧Daddy treats me like his little pet🐈🐩🐕! Send this to 69 💯TRUE💯 Daddy's or else you'll 🚫never🚫 get any cummies💦💦💦 again 😦😳😎‼️