Greg from NVIDIA   Puerto Rico, United States
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dave2 1 mai 2019 la 17:57 
┈┈╱▕┊┊born to ┊┊▏╲┈┈
┈┈╲╱┊play fortnite┊┊╲╱┈┈
┈┈┈▏╋┊forced to l┊╋▕┈┈┈
┈┈┈▏╋┊serve 2 l╋▕┈┈┈
┈┈┈▏╋┊tours in l┊╋▕┈┈
┈┈┈▏╋┊afghanistan l┊╋▕┈┈┈
dave2 15 aug. 2018 la 9:05 
 /         \
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          /        \ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         /  /\      \
   (L _/  /   \      \
   :三___/      \      \
    ~           \      \suck my ♥♥♥♥ dude
JollyLilDudeManBro 25 apr. 2018 la 20:41 
The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined[1] grouping of white supremacists, neo-Confederates, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, and other far-right[2][3][4] fringe hate groups.[5][6] Alt-right beliefs have been described as isolationist, protectionist, antisemitic and white supremacist,[7][8][9] frequently overlapping with neo-Nazism,[10][11][12][13] identitarianism,[14] nativism and Islamophobia,[15][16][17][18][19] antifeminism, misogyny and homophobia,[10][20][21][22][13] right-wing populism[23][24] and the neoreactionary movement.[7][25] The concept has further been associated with several groups such as American nationalists, paleoconservatives, paleolibertarians, Christian fundamentalists, neo-monarchists, men's rights advocates, and the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump.[15][24][25][26][27][14]
dave2 9 ian. 2018 la 16:52 
┳┻| _
┻┳| •.•) what that mid look like?
JollyLilDudeManBro 1 nov. 2017 la 12:18 
Your thoughts on PUBG as an E S P O R T Z ?
JollyLilDudeManBro 26 oct. 2017 la 11:43 
How 2 git gud @ soldur: shoot floor top score