Garrett   Colorado, United States
If two pregnant women are fighting, the fetuses are having a mech battle like in Titanfall.
Tällä hetkellä paikalla
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 298 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 13.5.
yhteensä 1 851 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 12.5.
yhteensä 95 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 11.5.
Yuno 30.3. klo 0.47 
Signed by me, let's play
76561199516004684 20.12.2023 klo 13.49 
прими го трейд
бот-хантер2 6.12.2023 klo 15.39 
прими го трейд
76561199160168357 27.11.2023 klo 13.42 
Glazeu 24.11.2023 klo 13.46 
how do you deal with endless-wipe poos? I mean... how. just how. I wipe and wipe and wipe and wipe and wipe and there's stillllllll crap. wet wipes work as much as they don't start scraping my booty hole skin off, but that's it. and just when I think I'm almost done wiping, the next wipe makes my rectum say "oh, look, stimulation, here's more poo!" and then I'm back at square one.
76561199486694922 11.11.2023 klo 14.59 
+rep pretty good player