I'm just some guy, man.
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Seth Wulfstone 19 mars à 14h42 
It's funny because they knocked it out in under five minutes. I got the ban, checked in, and saw my post read "4 minutes ago" They pay more attention to their discussion board than their actual game.
CyanCatMan 19 mars à 14h38 
DBD in a nutshell folks. :pinkteam:
Seth Wulfstone 19 mars à 14h37 
I was banned for "Naming and shaming" the lead dev, Almo. I was mentioning how he was dismissive of why they hadn't added colorblind mode a few years back and how it took the entire community being angry for them to add the feature within the next week of him saying that. Wasn't particularly rude about it but they were quick to give me a one week ban anyway.
Pachy 13 févr. à 17h45 
-rep threw in overwatch2
FloppySquared 2 déc. 2023 à 3h25 
+rep funny potion man
WertijVonBelker 20 sept. 2023 à 2h09 
+rep had great speedrun duel in Katana Zero few years ago