James Hawkins   Wiltshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
I don't play PAYDAY anymore. Unreal 4 Modder, Former PAYDAY 2 Native Linux Player, and Hitman player. Quite the mouthful.

Model Porting Commissions are open!
Kirjautunut ulos
After so....so much pain, I present to you, the model for Lil Zanotto, from the 2005 cult classic Psychonauts! Features Bracelet Bodygroup (Bracelet, No Bracelet) Ten Viseme's (Smile, OO, Oh, EE, AE, AH, MB, FV, L_Eyelid, R_Eyelid), and a working Jaw for a
10 arvostelua
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 5,5 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 1.5.
yhteensä 1 684 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 30.4.
yhteensä 0,1 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 28.4.
Saavutustilastot   0 / 22
Dribbleondo-Van-Pelt 16.1. klo 13.11 
Power is a tool, Miss Burnwood;
Sieni 16.1. klo 7.07 
It's the thing that gets you to the thing.
MissPat 26.11.2023 klo 6.01 
Sent contact request to discuss possible commissions (Hitman 3).
Vanilla 14.9.2023 klo 23.11 
marten, You couldn't sound more like a scammer even if you tried lmao
the marten ever 14.9.2023 klo 22.13 
Greetings Dribble, I am. I wish to add you and to my friend list, but not for the usual things like "hey, how ya doing," no I wish for it for business, but I wish to do it from pm so no one might do it before I do, if it is okay
Dribbleondo-Van-Pelt 27.8.2023 klo 5.20 
Thank you, I appreciate it.