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ws 24 квіт. 2020 о 2:20 
Good afternoon, dear Steam user!
in connection with the economic crisis in the world, statistics of demand and purchase of game items decreased by 62%
Since the need for items has dropped, our site www.niceskins.store is conducting a prize draw!
Your Steam account won items!
* Hair of the Survivor
* Diabolic Aspect
* Scorching Talon
* Vigil Triumph
* Genuine Kantusa the Script Sword
* Unusual Baby Roshan
* Dark Artistry Cape
* Mace of Aeons
* Gem Pack: Red
* Insatiable Bonesaw
* Soul Diffuser
* Eternal Machine Head
Be sure to use the code "BSk78" by which we check the winner.
76561198060158259 30 лип. 2019 о 4:34 
like the way you play. Can you teach me playing Dota2 in the same lobby please? I can pay in skins or arcanas for the lessons. Add me on my main acc if you can
76561198350585809 7 черв. 2019 о 10:55 
added for trade
★Sly_★_FoX★ 30 трав. 2019 о 3:36 
Dear player! Congratulations ! You won free giveaway DRAGONCLAW HOOK or in return you can choose another Dota 2 items. Get it on {ПОСИЛАННЯ ВИЛУЧЕНО} use your code: >H111BekNSO<- (This code can only use this Account)
El traviesin lo hizo otravez 30 січ. 2017 о 12:43 
Pero que hdp si supiera ma pewalta xdxd
Sesshómaru 7 квіт. 2016 о 9:31 
gg report this noob