Founder of CSFloat

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"I would wish you the best of luck, but I believe luck is a concept invented by the weak to explain their failures." - Ron Swanson
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4.21 1 mar @ 7:34 
I need help, can you accept me?
Coxy 29 feb @ 10:39 
Ticket #683106348044519208 Can you have a look please if you have 5min Thanks
neuroNokvin 🍀 21 feb @ 13:23 
I have some ideas and offers for csfloat
Die_Rache 10 feb @ 2:14 
Hi there! The company I am working for is relying on your Dockerimage release for your csfloat inspect service. I wanted to inquire when a fix will be available, due to the cs update.
oRgil2k 6 feb @ 0:54 
Please bro chat me please🙏🙏🙏🙏
oRgil2k 6 feb @ 0:45 
Hello help me please bro my requst accert me you requst discord and steam accert chst me please:steamthumbsup: