Harry Page   Kentucky, United States
Hai I'm HKZ, and I suck at BIOs. 29. CSR by day, Retired streamer by night. :thehook:
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Vitrine des évaluations
I love AC games. This is a placeholder review for the event, may come back and right an actual review. But the game is amazing.
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2 810 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 28 avr.
119 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 28 avr.
2,4 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 24 avr.
Champion of Light 7 mars à 20h29 
+rep great teammate and writer
droolia 7 mars à 18h41 
+rep incredibly skilled freddie! rough match but never boring:GhostFlowerHappy:
DingusDingbatPirate°ʖ° 23 févr. à 18h11 
Ya know, you should know i haven't played in like 3-4 months. I'll admit, I lost touch, but also it was the PTB so who the ♥♥♥♥ cares :steamfacepalm:
ooohohoho 21 févr. à 18h55 
dont play with this dude on survivor goes down in like 5 seconds
magicschoolrp.com 26 aout 2023 à 13h45 
Hey sorry for the random msg just wanted to let you know there is a new HogwartsRP server out there https://discord.com/invite/ND8pzmc7rJ Maybe you are interested since you are in SBS group :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4xtZ-hCHKU
Iron Maidenless 18 juin 2023 à 23h14 
+rep played Scratched mirror myers.. without scratched mirror.. V cute lad , would play against again <3