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Kirjautunut ulos
♫Judge Fudge♫ 22.5.2022 klo 3.57 
Hi i added u for a trade
Avigeo 13.4.2022 klo 15.41 
Have you ever heard of this game, its like a game where theres like uhhh like space men and stuff and like theres a like uhh imposter and stuff.
PerennialBag181 20.12.2021 klo 18.12 
╔═════════════════HITLER ♥♥♥ YOUTH═══════════════╗
If you are a beautiful strong Aryan warrior, someone will put this in your comments.
╚═════════════════HITLER ♥♥♥ YOUTH═══════════════╝
Ararisar 9.8.2021 klo 11.11 
add me, its important
u n i v e r s e 6.6.2021 klo 4.09 
sup bro, lets play together, send me a friend request pls
warisam 23.4.2021 klo 14.02 
yo dude, send me a friend request, lets play together