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0,7 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 11. März 2023
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2.516 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 5. März 2023
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KennanJr 3. Okt. 2019 um 13:00 
:jhheart: Signed by ~Kennan
byteframe's cat 4. Jan. 2019 um 22:52 
👽 -- 🍆 -- 🐛 -- 🏀 -- 👃 -- 🍇 -- 👑 -- 🚙 -- 👹 -- 🕺 -- 🍖 -- 🌏 -- 📣 -- 🌋 -- 🎽
The bank sent our statement this morning,
The red ink was a sight of great awe!
Their figures and mine might have balanced,
But my wife was too quick on the draw.

When you're a Yup
You're a Yup all the way
From your first slice of Brie
To your last Cabernet.

When you're a Yup
You're not just a dreamer
You're making things happen
You're driving a Beamer.

Hickory Dickory Dock,
The mice ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
The others escaped w

🌳 -- 🎁 -- 🥞 -- 🌸 -- 🎍 -- 🌏 -- 🐠 -- 📘 -- ⛳ -- 😺 -- 🐝 -- 🍧 -- 🌂 -- 🥗 -- ⚡
snowie ☯ 30. Nov. 2018 um 15:51 
-rep Wallhacking like a ♥♥♥♥♥
✪DARRONq 2. Nov. 2018 um 8:05 
Have nice weekend!:heartblue:
elmanane- 23. Sep. 2018 um 7:10 
cache god
SEZER 15. Sep. 2018 um 17:45 