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Beetleslayer44 3.3.2022 klo 15.01 
+rep kul og snill
Shade_of_KinG 21.4.2021 klo 7.16 
Don't listen to him. He wants it for resale, not for "memories." I hate liars.
iNGLORIOUS. 15.1.2021 klo 23.56 
Hi Kawai, you have Worlds Adrift - Standard Edition GIFT steam gift in your inventory. I want it so much, I could give u something for that. Added you to discuss a trade :Vaporized: Rlly want this game :(

P.S: I know that game is unplayable now and servers are shut down, just kinda want it for memories :steamthumbsup:
Tsai 9.9.2020 klo 23.31 
I'm from Tsukibang, i'm Drunk's brother, we joined Under My Gorilla Studios.
Check out the video of our new game:
for public announcements join:
Official Website:
Liam 23.12.2018 klo 8.41 
Merry Christmas :)
Liam 17.12.2018 klo 8.04 
+rep nice profile