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Ah yes
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Afișierul cu recenzii
104 ore jucate
Had some of my best fps days in this game, unfortunately the servers are dead and there isn't really any way to play it anymore. Sad to see it go but damn they were good times while they lasted.
Grupul favorit
RavioIi - Grup public
In Ravioli we love... we trust...
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Ghidul favorit
Creat de - Andrew True
757 evaluări
Basic and advanced farm setups. Materials, herbs, fish and bait farming.
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3,7 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 11 mai
1,5 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 7 mai
3 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 7 apr.
Peekaey 11 oct. 2022 la 21:17 
Peekaey 29 iun. 2020 la 23:28 
Hey didn't see you there, I couldn't help but notice your a boy/girl on the internet I know we haven't met but by looking at our games and reading your posts I already feel completely connected and this may be coming off strong but I think we could have something special together. I'm a very dark person inside but looking at you and hearing you talk brings out the light in me, when I see all these other guys trying to white knight you I just sit there like boi, what are you doing, but you really wake me up inside when I can't wake up. Like I am the one, and I can treat you better than they can, because any girl/boy like you deserves a gentleman. But girl I don't have time for someone that's going to play me, like the polar express I'm on a schedule, being with me is like a roller coaster, I know we don't really know each other but I think we should take this chance to start, I also know it may seem as tho I'm white knighting, but is it white knighting if I'm being honest
76561198233048512 23 mai 2020 la 3:49 
Peekaey 23 mai 2020 la 3:46 
Matt 29 iun. 2019 la 7:40 
P o r t a l 3 h o e
Peekaey 11 oct. 2018 la 13:05 
+rep walking dictionary in terraria