Shropshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
I don't use steam much these days so you're likely an old friend, an irl friend or just someone I came across randomly and thought you seemed interesting 🤔

I was once relatively well known in the cod zombies community for setting some world records hence the ZEC (zombie exprten clan.)
I tend to play the same few games on rotation.
GTA San Andreas
Rome Total War
Rainbow six siege
Age of empires
Kirjautunut ulos
Some info
I used to play a lot of zombies but now I couldn't imagine playing the same game for 50+ hours

Maps solo / co-op Black ops 1
Average: 99.1 /62.7
Kino: 94+ / 70
Five: 50 / 42
Nacht der untoten: 32 / 30
Verrukt: 104/ 71
Shi no numa: 153 / 65
Der riese: 110 / 71
Ascension: 176 / 101
COTD: 60/ 29??? Im sure I have higher than this but it isn't recorded
Shangri- la: 96 / 65
Moon: ?? / 86
Taideteosten esittely
Negev Desert, Israel
4 2
⸸ Yuri.USRK ⸸ 27.3. klo 19.05 
Hey hey there's the high roller! Noticed you playing Fallout New Vegas like crazy and I just wanted to say congrats for picking up one of the best games ever made. Enjoy your stay, Ring a ding ding baby
Nastie Summer 7.1. klo 4.54 
Nastie Summer 31.12.2023 klo 5.20 
Nastie Summer 31.12.2023 klo 5.20 
Happy New Year dear friend! I wish you all the best :shinealight: May 2024 be full of happiness, joy, inspiration, and a lot of unforgettable moments! Be strong, healthy, and lucky! May it bring us all peace :whfbutterfly::ai_flare::cat3k3:

Nastie Summer 31.12.2023 klo 5.20 
:brickwall666::sc_sock::sc_sock::sc_sock::brickwall666:   :ns_green::shinealight::ns_green::shinealight::ns_green:
:brickwall666::fireflies::fireflies::fireflies::brickwall666:   :ns_green::shinealight::ns_green::shinealight::ns_green:
:brickwall666::spflames::spflames::spflames::brickwall666:      :Remot::blockingyou::Remot:
|ZEC|eXo BeRLiN 25.12.2023 klo 1.25 
 ╱   Z E C ╲
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╭╱ ╭┛ ▋╰╮▋┗╮        MERRY CHRISTMAS TO A
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    ▏ ╰━━╯ ╲         ╳  ╲ ▅▅▉╱  ╳
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 ▏ ╭   ┃┃   ┊▕            ZECHAMPION