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Kirjautunut ulos
p0p1t0 9.11.2019 klo 8.03 
Knavenformed 1.5.2018 klo 7.09 
XCOM: Enemy Within is an expansion pack for XCOM: Enemy Unknown. It was released on November 12th, 2013 in North America and November 15th 2013 elsewhere. Announced at Gamescom 2013, XCOM: Enemy Within adds new abilities, upgrades, weapons, and a new soldier class to combat new enemy threats. This expansion pack also introduces new resources, new maps, new tactical and strategic gameplay, and new multiplayer content.
Taikuri 12.10.2017 klo 10.03 
popo u mean
p0p1t0 12.10.2017 klo 8.19 
Fabio The Fabulous 4.10.2017 klo 9.43 
no i was wrong it means "give this rosé to all you care" and i care about you spartacuz
Taikuri 3.10.2017 klo 10.35 
Not you fabio you are fabulous