I know it sounds crazy but whenever I throw these props... You're gonna laugh at me, you're gonna think I am nuts, gonna think I'm crazy. When I throw these props, I feel the hands of every person who's thrown them before me and after me, and I feel this jolt of like friggin lightning or something from my head to the tip of my you know what. Sometimes, while I'm throwing these props with my magneto stick, I just can't help but throw my head back in ecstasy and moan. So whenever I go and talk to chicks, I just-- the chicks say to me, what do you do?, I say: yes, I do throw props with my magneto stick on garry's mod... And don't laugh-- don't laugh at me. I feel like a spirit, like an orb shoot through my body every time I kill someone with a prop. You know a lot of people laugh at me. They beat me up, they give me black eyes, they broke my nose four times... you know, because, because I just like to throw props and I get bullied about it. And I get bullied for it. And they pull my underwear up and doo doo feces does fall out because of how hard they pull. But will I stop throwing props with my magneto stick just because I get banned for it? Absolutely freaking not. If you know what I mean, like, no. The answer is no way. Uh... This is the only thing that brings my life joy and you can-- You can file a slay report on me, you can try to RDM, you can dox me, come to my house in a black SUV. I'm not gonna stop doing this. I love the people of this country. I love throwing props at them. And no, I'm not gonna stop.
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Monolith Leader 42 minutes ago 
Algoo Mar 8 @ 12:53pm 
+rep my hero
✪︎ Leuk Feb 20 @ 11:59am 
-rep thinks he's good at cs2 ego is crazy high for being ♥♥♥♥ all the time ong
Gurple Jun 16, 2023 @ 5:41pm 
+rep epic gamer
Flurb Mar 9, 2023 @ 5:48pm 
what a p uss y xDD
Earthrips Mar 31, 2022 @ 6:35pm 
- rep white knights for people that cheat in cs