Bill Nye the Science Guy
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Jenator148 13 nov 2023 om 19:40 
Forgot password for the 13th time :steamsad:
Jollux 24 aug 2020 om 19:20 
+rep completely forgot why i have u friended but u seem cool, hope ur internet situation gets sorted out
Jenator148 11 mei 2020 om 22:53 
Forgot password for the 12th time
Bill Nye the Science Guy 9 feb 2018 om 0:23 
I have Risen again
Jenator148 9 jan 2018 om 16:57 
I'll remember you soldier
ˢʳSweet Tee 6 jan 2017 om 13:57 
:O Biiiiill it's really you ;-; you're alive <3